Textile, Fibre Art & Design Exhibition Terms and Conditions
In Greek mythology, the Titan Atlas is portrayed supporting the earth on his shoulders. In the 21st century ‘We are all ATLAS’ taking responsibility for supporting the earth. Through their artwork, artist statement and materials description, artists must demonstrate an understanding of the carbon footprint of the materials used for the creation and throughout the life of the artwork.
The annual exhibition, ‘We are all ATLAS’ will showcase the best in fibre work from local, national and international artists and reflecting the theme of sustainability and environmental conservation. The goal of the exhibition is to demonstrate how the use of age-old techniques and sustainable materials continue to develop direct relationships with fine art and other creative disciplines.
- Open to all emerging and professional artists over the age of 18 years on 1 January 2018.
- All entries must capture the theme and create a minimal carbon footprint over the life of the work.
- Each entry must be original and not infringe the copyright, moral rights or any other right of any third party.
- Recent works are preferred, but there is no age limit on works entered.
- All entries must not have been previously exhibited in Perth, Australia.
- A collective work will be accepted under a single-entry form with one artist statement.
- If submitting multiple entries, each entry must be submitted separately.
- Entries may be 2D or 3D.
- Entries must incorporate sustainable fibre & textile materials and traditional textiles techniques. Suggested materials include: organic cotton, wool, hemp, bamboo, silk, recycled/upcycled fabrics, found objects. Prohibited: Fur or animal by-products
- If a work is multi-panel it must have clear instructions on the order of installation. Multi panels will be considered as one piece and together must not exceed the 2D weight or size dimension specified.
- 2D Entries must not exceed 15kgs in weight and 1.5 metres in width or length, including frame.
- 3D Entries must not exceed 15 kgs in weight and 35 cm in width or depth and 60 cm in height. All 3D entries must be free standing or be provided with a supporting stand if required. 3D entries will be displayed on open plinths.
- Australian Artists: All works submitted must be available for sale at the exhibition and artists must set a price including the commission + 10% GST in their submission. Australian Artist sales will be handled during the exhibition.
- EFWA will retain 25% of the sales price as commission on all exhibited works sold. If an artist is contracted to a gallery, the commission will be 35% and split 50 -50 (17.5% to EFWA and 17.5% to the gallery). It is the entrant’s responsibility to ensure that these commissions are acceptable to their gallery or other representative.
- International Artists: Sales enquiries for works by International Artists will be forwarded to the artist to make the sales decision and negotiate the payment method. International artists will be required to pay an exhibition participation fee in lieu of commission.
- Work sold during the exhibition must remain on display until the exhibition closes.
- The entrant gives permission for images of any selected artworks and any text accompanying the enter to be reproduced by print, electronic or any other media for publicity, catalogues and any other purposes, including exhibiting selected artworks on www.ecofashionweekaustralia.com
- A label with the title of work, artists name, phone number and email address must be attached to the back of each artwork.
- Entries may only be submitted via the EFWA online entry form by not later than midnight (GMT+8) 30 September 2108. Payment of a non-refundable entry fee of $50 AUD payable to EFWA via credit or direct deposit will be required. Reduced non-refundable entry fee of $30 AUD for Australian tertiary students with provision of current scanned student card.
- Online entry requirements
- Artist profile (200 word max)
- Artist statement (200 word max)
- Detailed description of materials used (100 word max)
- Artists committing to gallery sit at the exhibition will receive a discounted commission on any sales.
- Image specifications: up to 3 clear digital images of the fibre/textile work in .png format
- A full image of the work and a detail image
- In the case of 3D works, a 3rd image may be submitted.
- The image must be at least 1200 pixel on the longest side and the overall file size must not exceed 3Mb.
- Please name all files, with your last name, first initial and the word ‘full’ or ‘detail’. For example: MitchellMFull.png. If you submit more than one entry, please add the entry number. For example: MitchellMDetail2.png.
- The quality of the digital image is important to give your work the best possible chance of selection. Please ensure that the image accurately represents the colours of the submitted work.
- Successful artists for the 2018 EFWA Annual Art & Design Exhibition, ‘We are all ATLAS’ will be advised by email and published on www.ecofashionweekaustralia by 10 October 2018.
- The jury decision is final and no communication will be entered.
- Selected works must be delivered to the designated delivery address shown on the artist selection notice by 12 noon, 13 November 2018. (earlier by arrangement)
- Artwork that differs from the submitted images will not be exhibited.
Artists’ Responsibilities
1. Artists will pay an ENTRY FEE OF $50 AUD per entry ($30 for tertiary students). This fee is payable when the entry/entries is/are submitted.
2. Selected artists will be responsible for the cost of all delivery transport or postage costs to the exhibition venue.
3. As Australian law prohibits EFWA from collecting a commission for international artworks sold resulting from exhibition and website exposure. Selected international artists will pay an exhibition participation fee of $500 AUD. This fee is payable after notification of jury selection.
4. Insurance cover, if desired, is the responsibility of the artists.
5. The artist warrants that the artwork is his/her own original design and indemnifies EFWA against any claim for breach of copyright.
6. Unsold works will be available for collection on 24 November 2018. Artworks requiring shipping will be ready for return by 22 November after the exhibition. Artists are responsible for all return transport or postage costs. Please enclose return postage with the work or notify EFWA of your arrangements for transport. EFWA takes no responsibility for the cost of return of works.
7. Any works that have not been collected or return postage paid by 30 November will be disposed of.
8. Work must be shipped in sturdy reusable crates, cartons, or containers and adequately protected against normal stresses encountered in transit. All crates, cartons, or containers must be clearly marked with the artist’s name and address. Work must be received in ready-to-exhibit condition. Multi-unit pieces must be submitted with detailed installation instructions. 2D & 3D pieces may not weigh more than 15 kg.
9. Artists’ assisting with gallery duty during the exhibition will receive one ticket to one night of EFWA Runway Show (valued at $45 AUD) and a reduced commission on sales. Date of free tickets will be determined by EFWA. Artists may arrange to purchase additional tickets.
a. Commission reduction for gallery duty (shifts of approximately 3 – 3.5 hrs) will be as follows:
i. 1 shift – 20%
ii. 2 shifts – 15%
iii. 3 shifts – 10%
iv. 4 shifts – 5%
v. 5 shifts – 0%
EFWA Responsibilities
1. EFWA will not be responsible for framing, mounting, or otherwise preparing work for the exhibition.
2. EFWA reserves the right to retain a digital record on CD or by other means, of images of selected artworks, plus accompanying text, for archival, educational, promotional or other appropriate purposes.
3. EFWA will reduce the commission charged for all artists able to assist with gallery duty during the exhibition following the sliding scale noted above. 4. EFWA must take all due care whilst the artworks are in our possession, but is not liable for any loss of damage to the works however such loss of damage is caused. EFWA cannot provide insurance for the selected works
Port Douglas
DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES - 30 September 2018
DELIVERY OF WORK - 3 November 2018
OPENING RECEPTION - 4 November 2018
EXHIBITION CLOSES - 10 November 2018
DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES - 30 September 2018
DELIVERY OF WORK - 13 November 2018
OPENING RECEPTION - 14 November 2018
EXHIBITION CLOSES - 21 November 2018